The Love Of Reading!

My young readers: Rylee, Gabe Madelayne


                Opening a book is stepping into a mysterious dance among pages– stepping out of my life   through the imagination and creativity of a true artist, an author. I spend most of my free time reading. I occasionally spend additional time that I should be doing other things with my time; I instead spend that time reading.  I have had many dangerous journeys; I have gone to many new and exciting places. I have romanced through the dark passageways of many courageous writers. Despite the treacherous journeys I have invested my time in, I have never once been personally scathed. Not even one little bit.  The adrenaline pumps through my veins as I read the protectors on the hunt for the evil villains.   My excitement continuing through the pages.  Apassion of mine is reading suspense or some detailed murder mystery. I don’t mind reading the occasional pre-historic based fiction novel book either. I really love fiction!

                I can remember when I first realized I was love stricken. I must have been about six years old. I was a very shy child, and I didn’t make friends well. So when I was able to read and bind a solid connection between the pages in a book and my soul, my love affair began. A tall and gangly child, with big brown eyes and duck lips, what a sight I was! The other kids teased and made fun of me. My embarrassment un-hide able I gave up wanting to play with children and embraced books.  I think back to the recesses and school lunches. I was never alone for a good book always courted me through me day.  I loved summer and weekends because I could stay home spending my free time being a child playing and reading too. Those were what brought me through the hard times.  When I was sad or mad I could curl up in a ball, with my now deceased dog Toby. Toby was a sweet and beautiful fluffy black and white Sheltie and Border collie mix. Toby was always a true and loyal pal. We were best friends. He sat with me quietly and with full patience while I read him story after story.  As I grew up and he grew older we would sit together and read.  He was the best reading partner that I have ever had. We enjoyed countless books ranging from The Box Car Children, all the way into Stephen King. Together, he and I lived through hours of page turning thrills. Never a dull reading moment passed by.

                Throughout my child hood and then through my teen years year’s and now through adulthood I read for comfort as much as pleasure.  I read when I lost family members. I read when Toby had to be put to sleep. I read when I was alone. I read when no one wanted me around. I read during break ups and I read through those happy times when I couldn’t sleep. Reading will always be my best friend. Books’ never become ill, and they never die. There will always be a new book waiting for me to discover. Books never judge me. I have never been beaten by a book. Books don’t yell or hit, and they never get mad, even If I don’t care for the book. They quietly sit waiting to draw a reader into the depths of their story waiting to repeat the dance over and over with any reader who opens up the cover. A good book, or a bad a book, are similar to a dog– Loyal and playful reserved and always waiting to receive attention.

                I can think back to a time when books were still scary to me. The words were as confusing as numbers.  Letters were just shapes and nothing else. I had difficulties with learning to read through kindergarten and first grade. I was taken out of my first grade class and taken into a special room for my reading problems. It was so humiliating. At that time everything was humiliating. But now that little reading room holds a special place in my heart. I was still attending Davis Elementary in Rockwood. The year was 1989. That was the year my older sister Marie graduated high school, and I started kindergarten. It was amazing. 

                Reading wasn’t just a favorite of mine but of my family as well.  Marie loved romance novels she would read them by the box full. My Mama loves to read more than anyone else I have ever known. My Mama is the person who brought me into the writings’ of J.A  Jance, Patricia Cornwell, Dean Koontz, Stephen King, James Paterson and many more. Marie introduced me to V.C Andrews and similar romance novels. My Daddy stuck to his continuing reading to keep him up to date, he was a medical Doctor. He also likes books that contained information about quarter- horse breading and English setters. My dad collected antiques and antique guns. So my Dad only read about things that he was investing his life in. I never really entered my dad’s reading materials. When I was very young and would visit him for the weekends we would sit and read his Physicians Desk References. They were never fun.

                I am still enjoying reading. I enjoy reading with my children. They also enjoy cold nights snuggled together reading some long and fun novel. It’s always a fun way to follow your children’s reading level improve. They love to read to mom, and each other. I am a very lucky mom. My daughter Rylee who is nine enjoys reading. She is going to be going into fourth grade this year. My son Gabriel who is eight likes to read–but not as much as Rylee. He is starting the third grade. I keep insisting that he should learn to embrace reading because life calls for it.  Madelayne who is five and entering into kindergarten already knows her letters, and loves to be read too. My children have found a little piece of timelessness.  I am careful to not push them into reading, but let them find their own ways into reading. To love something I believe it is a treat one discovers on their way through life. Reading should be addressed in the same manner. I speak in positive tones and with up lifting words on reading to my children. I stick to positives on reading and school because I grew watching my older sister struggle with reading. I know my oldest half sister Ellen does not enjoy reading. Ellen has told me several times she despises reading. Ellen grew up close to her father Allen. Allen hated reading and openly discussed his extreme feelings affront of Ellen and Marie. My Mom thinks that may be one of Ellen’s reasons for her dislike and un-comfortable feelings with reading. My nieces and nephew who are all grown up now do not like reading. My nephew Jeff who is now 24 years old hates to read.  He and I are only three years apart and we grew up close together.  He used to have me read his homework aloud to him. Sarah who loves school, and is 21 always maintained above average grades and dislikes reading-greatly.  Aly my youngest niece is almost 19. She has always struggled with reading. My sister Marie worked with me for years on reading. Marie spent close to as much time helping Ellen’s three kids as me. I think that my Mom and Marie’s constant encouragement with reading and school work is what helped me find my way – not only through school and reading but through life’s bumps.

                I never knew how I felt inside about reading until I was sitting here typing about my first true love.  There is not much I don’t like to read. I can read and usually understand most of what I’m reading except sometimes, when I struggle through text books. I surprisingly didn’t do so well last term in Reading 115.  I didn’t care for the required readings and I wasn’t able to build a strong relationship with my reading instructor. I never felt able to speak with her and when I tried I was mostly ignored. I am grateful that I have learned about Writing in margins, taking notes and SQ4R. I will continue reading until I am unable to read anymore. I hope to one day write a novel myself. I have had a lot of brilliant and creative writers work to read over the years. I am hoping that it has helped teach me. Reading is a blessing. It is my blessing! The dance through the pages will go on for as long as I am able to dance among those beloved pages I am so fascinated with.


A mother of three beautiful kiddos of my own and a step mother to two incredibly beautiful girls. We have 4 girls, and 1 boy. I love spending time with my family thats includes our dog hiking and enjoying the outdoors. I love school. I am going to become a talented and well known author one day.
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