Grades finished!

I’ve just entered grades on MyClackamas, and you should be able to see them soon. Good job everyone. If you have any questions on your grades or want to go over you final with me, please email me for an appointment–I’ll be in once or twice a week over the summer. Or just drop by any time during the fall. I plan on leaving the blog up for a few months if you want to share your work with others and/or use it as a writing resource.

One other thing: I’m changing all your blog accounts so that you won’t be able to post or change posts. That’s because the blog is “finished” now, and I don’t want it to change. But now that you know how to do it, you can create your own blog. I’m always happy to help if you have questions.

Enjoy what’s left of the summer! It’s been a pleasure getting to know all of you.

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Grades posted by end of this week

Just wanted to let you all know that I will need a little more time to grade your final work than I expected. I will have everything graded by the end of the week — and since grades aren’t due until 9/7, I think that’s pretty good!

I’m enjoying your reflections and final papers, and I encourage you continue reading other folks’ work. You’ll hear from me soon.

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Fossil Fuel a bad habit


Nerina Watkins                                                       

Dave Mount


Fossil Fuel a bad habit

“The un fortunate thing about this world is that the good habits are much easier to give up than bad ones” by W. Sumerset Maughman. This is a wise quote. Often we decide to stop doing the right thing and go for the easy solution of keep on the bad habits; change is hard; perhaps the key is to take baby steps. I’m worried about the oil spilled all over the Gulf of Mexico, could this be our wakeup call? What would we do when there is no more fossil fuel in the earth?

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Nerina Watkins

Dave Mount


           I have just discovered a strong feeling about recycling lately. About a year ago, I was looking for a good show in my TV, and suddenly I stopped at the Discovery Channel; there was a documentary about land fields and about the gigantic Atlantic garbage patch of the size of Texas. My jaw dropped to hear on how long it takes for a plastic bottle to disintegrate in a land field (500 years) and even more, how long it takes for a Styrofoam plate or cup to disintegrate (1000 years)This is a catastrophe for our future generation.

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A Buddhist Weirdo

A Buddhist Weirdo

Weirdo is an unconventional person who chooses to live a very simple life suchWhen I was a novice weirdo as Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi, and Mother Teresa. Life as a Weirdo may strange as a modern concept because people now are living in materialism. However, it is a freedom that most people forget about. Why is it freedom to be a weirdo? I can answer this question with my own experience as a Buddhist weirdo. There are a few reason that I call myself as a weirdo. Continue reading

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My History Family

Moises Hernandez

Professor Dave Mount

Writing 95

August, 13 2010

My History Family

I remember my grandmother speaking a different language with my uncles and aunts during parties when I was a child. I had no idea where this language came from or why I couldn’t understand. One day, I asked her where she was born and why she spoke another language. She told me that she was born in a little nahuatl community near of Popocatepetl an Ixtaccihuatl volcanoes located between Puebla State and Mexico City.

I visited that community when I was around nine years old. I saw beautiful scenery during the drive such as different kinds of trees, big plants, a beautiful waterfall and a lake. Moreover, we crossed the Sierra Nevadas near to the volcanoes. It was amazing. We spend around six hours from Mexico City to Zacatlan Puebla, which was our destination. Then we had to drive an hour more.

I don’t remember the small town’s name, but the people lived there in comfortable straw houses, a nice river provided them water, and there were many apple, pear and peach trees. They cooked with clay pots, and hand made stone cooking utensils that gave the food a better taste.

Everything was different than where I lived. At home, I always slept on a petate. A petate is a bedroll made from the fibers of a palm called a metate. In addition, women wore a colorful skirt called a cueyitl, a blouse that they called a tlahmach camisahtl, they carried their babies in a uahcal that was like a cradle and they wore huaraches instead tennis shoes .

They had only one little school where there were twenty students of different grades studying in the same classroom. They had books written in Spanish and in their own language that I didn’t understand. One day, I invited them to play soccer with me. They said yes, even though they didn’t know how to play soccer, so I tried to explain  rules of the game to them. However, when we started to play soccer, I couldn’t kick the soccer ball because there were too many rocks on the ground. On the other hand, they didn’t feel any pain when they kicked the ball. It was really funny.

I met many families that I didn’t know there. At night, they told me about many interesting legends. For example, they told me the legends about the volcanoes. Popocatepetl was a great warrior who went to war. He was gone for many years, and while his lover Ixtaccihuatl was waiting for him, she fell into an eternal sleep. When he came back after a great victory, and found her , he committed suicide. God changed them into the volcanoes. For this reason, Ixtaccihuatl means the sleeping women, and Popocatepetl means the smoking mountain.

I’ll never forget that community where my grandmother was born, my new uncles, aunts, the colorful views, the clothes and the wonderful people whom I met there. I’ll never forget the incredible legends about the volcanoes. I learned many things about my ancestors and the differences between living in a city and living in a small town.

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Drug addiction

Moises Hernandez

Professor Dave Mount

Writing 095

August 12, 2010

Drug addiction

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Effective study habit’s

I would like to define studying; studying is the application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge as by reading, investigation or reflection. I researched effective study habits. Continue reading

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What sorts of pictures come to mind when someone says “baggage”? My mind seems to gravitate toward big leather-wrapped cardboard boxes that hold traveling items Continue reading

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Achieving Goals

                    Everyone, I’m sure, has had at least one goal in their lifetime. At the ripe old age of 47, I’ve had my share. I’ve followed through on some of the smaller ones. However it’s the bigger ones that seem to slip through the cracks as I get older. I like to procrastinate and tell my self there’s always next year. Now that I am much older, I find myself thinking that there’s not much time left in my life to keep procrastinating. My life is almost half over, and if I don’t set some solid goals now, I’ll never achieve the future that I want for myself and for my family. This is the primary reason that I am attending Clackamas Community College. I’ve finally realized that without some type of degree from an accredited institution, I will find myself stuck in the same pattern of life that has haunted me these past thirty years. With thirty years out in the workforce, I’ve had my share of regret and disappointment. Don’t get me wrong, some of the things I’ve done in life I would never change. These things are what made me the person that I am today. It’s the lack of education that I regret the most. Without a proper education, my future goals in life will just slip away. With all the goals I’ve set in life, achieved or not,this goal that I have set for now will set me up for the rest of my life and for the future and well-being of my family. Of all the goals that have come and gone, this one I must keep, for tomorrow may be too late.                            I   encourage  everyone to set some type of goal in their lives. Especially while they are still young. Educational goals should be your number one priority. A degree from any accredited institution or college will make your life much easier in the long run. It can open doors to your future. Take it from me, a guy who’s had numerous jobs. But was either passed over for advancement, or was  laid off because I didn’t have a college education. Get into school now while you are still young. You will have no regrets in the long run.

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